Chauncey Palmer
Fierce|Efforts Training



If you are not aware, my name is Chauncey Palmer born January 6th, 1999. My journey has been very unique, which began with the love of basketball from a young age. I was one of the top athletes in my high school to attend a division-2 basketball program. After leaving the school a semester in I was confused on what I wanted to do in life. To me, that was the motivation, the drive I needed to pursue what was truly important to me. I began to major in Sports Management, where I discovered my passion to help teenagers and or young people. So, I decided to volunteer at a local YMCA in Manchester New Hampshire, close to the university I attended in 2017.   

As we should all know, things don’t always go as planned. Well, guess what, that was the case for me. Things became a little difficult for me, living so far away from home and trying to maintain my focus on what I really wanted, so I chose to make a major move. The university I left was SNHU and transferred to a more affordable college and one that was closer to home. This allowed me to live at home while I broaden and direct my focus on exactly what I wanted to do. This my friends, gave me the opportunity to work closer with teens and young people, living in the moment of helping people. What else would I want than to do what I love. Well, this led me to discover other buried abilities. Let me explain, in 2018 I began working-out a lot and before you know it, I had people of all ages requesting to shadow me during an early morning workout. Of course, I did not mind, but this is where the light bulb went off, “you know what Chauncey, this might be your ticket, your ticket to establishing your own business”. After months of research, asking questions, reading books, studying and talking to other professionals, led me to building my own brand, "Fierce|Efforts." Now finishing off the year 2022 a lot has changed. I have recently competed in MTV's "The Challenge" along with motivational speaking across social media platforms. This progression has allowed me to relocate and take my brand from Massachusetts to California. The growth doesn't stop here as there are many projects in store and are consistently being worked on. In the meantime lets work on our health and wellness so we can continue to live better.

Fierce|Efforts focuses on fitness, training, resilience, strength building, and a healthy lifestyle that will certain to challenge your will-power. America as we know, is the most unhealthy country in the world, so with my help, you can change you and be that person you want to be; get that beach body you always wanted; or just to simply achieve the confidence to be YOU. For once in your life, stop saying "I m going to start tomorrow; I am going to start after Thanksgiving, and so on". 

"Your goal is my goal, but only you can change you"

C. Palmer

There are many opportunities to get started with training such as (Booking a personal training session, ordering a specific workout plan made for the individual, ordering a meal plan or even watching my different workouts that are frequently posted on social media). Discipline, Dedication, Devotion is what I expect from my clients when joining the Fierce|Efforts family. I have a powerful feeling in my body that we can change the fitness world in many ways by starting off with motivating others. Age or distance does not matter when training with Fierce|Efforts. We will make sure you get the results you want.


